List of Python Operators

Operator, Operands ke sath kisi particular operation ko perform karta hai. Python me kai tarah ke operators hote hain jo niche diye gaye groups me lie karte hain:

    (1)    Logical operators
    (2)    Identity operators
    (3)    Arithmetic operators
    (4)    Assignment operators
    (5)    Membership operators
    (6)    Bitwise operators
    (7)    Comparison operators

Python Logical Operators

and (&)

Return “True”, Jab dono statements true hogi
Eg : a > 5 and a < 7    ;   where a = 6

Return “False”, Jab 2 me se koi ek bhi statement False hogi
Eg : a > 5 and a < 7    ;   where a = 4

or (|)

Return “True”, Jab dono statements me se koi ek statement bhi true hogi
Eg : a > 5 or a < 7    ;  where  a = 4

Return “False”, Jab dono statements False hogi
Eg : a > 5 or a < 3   ;  where  a = 4

not (!)

Kisi bhi result ko reverse karna jaise True ko False aur False ko True
Eg : not(a > 5)   ;  where  a = 6   
        Result= “False”
        not(a > 5)   ;  where  a = 4   
        Result = “True”

Python Identity Operators


Return “True”, Jab dono objects same honge…

Eg :
a = [“Hello”, “Python”]
b = [“Hello”, “Python”]
c = a

print(a is b)
Result= “False” ;
kyuki ‘a’ aur ‘b’ dono objects same nhi hain

print(a is c)
Result= “True” ;
kyuki ‘a’ aur ‘c’ dono objects same hain

is not

Return “True”, Jab dono objects different honge hogi
Eg :
a = [“Hello”, “Python”]
b = [“Hello”, “Python”]
c = a

print(a is not b)
Result= “True” ;
kyuki ‘a’ aur ‘b’ dono objects same nhi hai

print(a is not c)
Result= “False” ;
kyuki ‘a’ aur ‘c’ dono objects same hai

Python Arithmetic Operators


Return Added value
Eg : a = b + c

Subtraction (-)

Return Subtracted value
Eg : a = b – c

Multiplication (*)

Return Multiplied value
Eg : a = b * c

Division (/)

Return divided value
Eg : a = b / c


Return remainder after division
Eg : a = b % c

Exponential (**)

Return powered value
Eg : a = b  ** c

Floor Division (//)

Return floored value
Eg : a = b // c
agar b = 3.6 aur c = 1.1 tab ‘a’ ki actual value 3.2727 hogi , lekin floor operator iski down side value print karega, jo iss case me 3.0 hai 

Python Assignment Operators


a = 4


a += b equal to a = a+b


a -= b equal to a = a – b


a *= b equal to a = a*b


a /= b equal to a = a/b


a %= b equal to a = a%b


a **= b equal to a = a ** b


a //= b equal to a = a // b


a &= b equal to a = a & b


a |= b equal to a = a | b


a ^= b equal to a = a ^ b


a >>= b equal to a = a >> b


a <<= b equal to a = a <<b

Python Membership Operators


Return “True” jab search ki gai value kisi object ke sequence me available hoga… 
Example :
y = [“peacock”,”parrot”,”sparrow”]

print(“parrot in y”)
Result : True

not in

Return “True” jab search ki gai value kisi object ke sequence me available nhi hogi… 
Example :
y = [“peacock”,”parrot”,”sparrow”]

print(“crow not in y”)
Result : True

Python Bitwise Operators

Bitwise Operators binary numbers ko aapas me compare karta hai…

& (and)

agar comparing bits 1 hai to yah operator sari bits ko 1 par set kar dega
0 & 1 = 0 ; 1 & 0=0
0 & 0 = 0 ; 1 & 1=1

| (or)

yah sirf 0-1 aur 1-1 ke comparison ko 1 par set karega…
0 | 1 = 1 ; 1 | 0=1
0 | 0 = 0 ; 1 | 1=1

^ (xor)

yah sirf 0 aur 1 ke comparison ko 1 par set karega…
0 ^ 1 = 1 ; 1 ^ 0=1
0 ^ 0 = 0 ; 1 ^ 1=0

~ (not)

Yah bits ki value invert kar dega..
~0 = 1 ; ~1 = 0

<< (left shift)

bits ko left shift karega aur right me zero add karta jayega

Ex :
s = 0b00011
t = s << 2

Result : 12
12 means ob01100

>> (right shift)

bits ko right shift karega aur left me zero add karta jayega

s = 0b00011
t = s >> 2

Result : 0
0 means ob00000

Python Comparison Operators

== equal

a == b ; a aur b ki value same hai

!= not equal

a != b ; a aur b ki value same nhi hai

> greater than

a > b ; a ki value b se badi hai

< less than

a < b ; a ki value b se small hai

>= greater than equal to

a >= b ; a ki value b se badi ya equal hai

<= less than equal to

a <= b ; a ki value b se small ya equal hai